I2ES logo and motto

The International Import and Export Authorization System (I2ES) is an online platform developed by the International Narcotic Control Board with the support of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.

Competent national authorities (CNAs) can issue electronic import and export authorizations for narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances on I2ES in compliance with the international drug control treaties. Free of charge, I2ES can expediate communication among CNAs and reduce the dependency on postal services because import and export authorizations are available online.

On the backdrop of a global trend towards digital Government; these solutions could reduce costs and improve efficiency while at the same time being more environmentally friendly. I2ES equips Governments with a paperless system that supports the issuance and exchange of electronic import and export authorizations for controlled substances.


How To Register

CNAs can register to use I2ES by contacting the I2ES Team at incb.i2es@un.org.

I2ES Resources

Contact the I2ES Team

E-mail: incb.i2es@un.org

©1995-2025 International Narcotics Control Board