Report of the International Narcotics Control Board for 2017

Foreword by the INCB President
Chapter I
Treatment, rehabilitation and social reintegration for drug use disorders: essential components of drug demand reduction
A. Background
B. Treatment, rehabilitation, and social reintegration as essential components of demand reduction
C. Basic concepts related to drug use disorders
D. Factors associated with drug use disorders
E. Course and trajectory of drug use disorders and recovery
F. Principles of treatment interventions
G. Treatment approaches and modalities
H. Cost effectiveness of treatment of drug use disorders
I. Organization and management of treatment service delivery
J. Treatment for special populations
K. Drug dependence treatment as a human right
L. Monitoring and quality assurance of treatment programmes
M. Recommendations
Chapter II
Functioning of the international drug control system
A. Promoting the consistent application of the international drug control treaties
B. Ensuring the implementation of the provisions of the international drug control treaties
C. Governments' cooperation with the Board
D. Evaluation of overall treaty compliance
E. Action taken by the Board to ensure the implementation of the international drug control treaties
F. Special topics
Chapter III
Analysis of the world situation (full chapter)
Central America and the Caribbean
North America
South America
East and South-East Asia
South Asia
West Asia
Annexes |
I. |
II. |