Report of the International Narcotics Control Board for 2004


I. Integration of supply and demand reduction strategies: moving beyond a balanced approach

  1. Market perspectives
  2. Goals of supply and demand reduction strategies
  3. Global relationship between supply and demand
  4. National and local perspectives
  5. Criminal justice, health and social agencies working together
  6. Recommendations

II. Operation of the international drug control system

  1. Status of adherence to the international drug control treaties
  2. Cooperation with Governments
  3. Prevention of diversion into the illicit traffic
  4. Control measures
  5. Ensuring the availability of drugs for medical purposes
  6. Follow-up to missions of the Board undertaken in 2001
  7. Special topics

III. Analysis of the world situation

  1. Africa
  2. Americas
    • Central America and the Caribbean
    • North America
    • South America
  3. Asia
    • East and South-East Asia
    • South Asia
    • West Asia
  4. Europe
  5. Oceania



  1. Regional groupings used in the report of the International Narcotics Control Board for 2004
  2. Current membership of the International Narcotics Control Board
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